The Scribe - 2022
Exhibited at "Between The Stripes Under The Stars" at Catherine G. Murphy Gallery in St. Paul, MN. Between The Stripes Under The Stars |
The Scribe - 2022
Exhibited at "Breath of Words" at The Phipps Center For The Arts, Hudson, WI, US. Breath of Words |
Pink House of God - 2017 Exhibited at "In This Place: What Makes a Space Holy" at The Phipps Center For The Arts, Hudson, WI, US. Pink House of God |
Mihrab - 2016
Exhibited at Cyrus M. Running Gallery, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, US. Mihrab - 2016 |
The Sinister Poem - 2016 Exhibited with the title: Haneen at Flaten Art Museum, St Olaf College, Northfield, MN, US. Haneen at Flaten Art Museu |

The Great Mother Of Islam - 2014
In collaboration with Artist Leili Tajadod-Pritchet.
Exhibited at the Catherine G. Murphy Gallery at the St Catherine's University, St Paul, MN, US. The Great Mother Of Islam - 2014
In collaboration with Artist Leili Tajadod-Pritchet.
Exhibited at the Catherine G. Murphy Gallery at the St Catherine's University, St Paul, MN, US. The Great Mother Of Islam - 2014

Shadow Sisters - 2013
In collaboration with artist Michal Sagar.
Exhibited at The Phipps Center For The Arts, Hudson, WI, US
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Fatimah: Queen of Heaven, 2013
Exhibited in Katherine E. Nash Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, US
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Habiba’s Chamber - 2012, 2013 & 2014.
Exhibited at:
Prince Faisal bin Fahad Center for Visual Arts, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Wellesley College, MA, US
Islamic Art Festival at Sharjah Art Museum, UAE.
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Fatimah in America 2 - 2007
Exhibited at The Hillstrom Museum of Art, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, US
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Fatimah in America 1 - 2005
Exhibited in the Sacred Art Festival at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. USA
Exhibited in the Sacred Art Festival at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. USA

The Three Faces of Mary - 2004
Exhibited at the Jan D' Arc Auditorium, St. Catherine's University
St Paul, MN, US
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Autobiography of a Human Body - 2002
Exhibited at Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, MN, US

The Five Pillars - 2002
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